A Season for Eating

June 3, 2008

The four seasons create variety in our environment and allow us to enjoy more fulfilling lives.  As the seasons come and go, we change the way we dress, play different sports, make alternative television choices.  Generally, we spend more time outside during summer and more time inside when winter rolls around.  With the changes in seasonal lifestyles, it’s a great idea to alter our eating habits and consume seasonal foods.

There’s a soothing simplicity in eating seasonally and taking advantage of locally grown foods.  They not only taste better, they’re usually easier on the budget.  Here’s the best part—seasonal foods may make you healthier.  Several studies show freshly grown fruits and vegetables are richer in nutrients than their processed counterparts. 

As you walk the supermarket aisles in summer, for example, don’t pass up fruits such as plums, pears, and apples.  Summer vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower offer a more satisfying taste than the frozen vegetables in the freezer.  They’re better for your body, as well.

You don’t have to be a seasonal fanatic to enjoy diverse foods.  Meat in moderation may fit nicely into your diet.  As with many things in life, a balanced approach to eating seasonal foods is appropriate.  Chances are you’ll feel better and be more able to enjoy the variety in life provided by the four seasons.

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