What to Expect During Electro-Acupuncture Medicine
First, we'll go over your health history in detail.
Using the experience I have gained from doing trigger point acupuncture on thousands of patients, we first discuss your pain. How did it likely develop (stress, accident etc)? How long has it persisted? Most importantly, what impact the pain is having on your life?
Next, I touch around areas likely to have tight muscles.
These muscles are either the source of the pain or the cause of it. Sometimes, pain in a joint is caused by a connected muscle… close but noticeably apart from your pain.
Using my knowledge, I devise a treatment plan.
I place the pads, determine the type of stimulation that will have the best impact on your pain, and turn on the machine at an imperceptible level.
Together, we slowly increase the intensity.
Together, we slowly increase the intensity until you are getting the full amount of stimulation for which you feel comfortable. Then I leave you to relax in my quiet, clean treatment room alone with soothing spiritual music while the machine does its magic.
Take time to relax, recover, and rejuvenate.
After some time, I'll return to reduce the stimulation and remove the pads. I follow up with a hands-on review of your offending muscle tension before and after and document the results in your chart if we need to modify your next treatment.
Experience The Benefits of Electro-Acupuncture Medicine
If you are looking for electrostimulation combined with acupuncture applied by a highly experienced, hands-on acupuncturist, please don't hesitate to reach out.