Neuropathy is degenerative nerve damage commonly caused by a lack of blood flow to the nerves in the hands and feet. It’s often related to chemotherapy and diabetes. Patients generally report tingling and loss of sensation gradually progressing over time. This is a serious condition and includes an element of danger for driving and other daily tasks.
The common treatments for peripheral neuropathy include medications and folk medicines. Medications have side effects that are not tolerable to many people. Many people report relief from their neuropathic condition without the side effects of pharmaceuticals by using acupuncture.
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years and has virtually no side effects. It’s 100% safe, uses single use, sterile needles and even creates a pleasant feeling in many patients. in New jersey, acupuncturists are regulated and licensed by the Board of Medical Examiners, the same agency that oversees and licenses physicians. Acupuncturists undergo 2 years (full time) of training and education. In addition to their acupuncture training, required subjects include a deep understanding of anatomy, clean needle handling, disease identification and much more.
Acupuncture treatment for neuropathy?
Rhonda Hogan, licensed acupuncturist, has been treating patients for neuropathy and other conditions in Somerset, NJ for the past 20 years.
Rhonda combines ATP Resonance TherapyTM (A special form of electronic stimulation) with acupuncture and is getting even better results than acupuncture alone.
Benefits include:
- Patients report improved quality of life.
- Increased blood flow to the affected areas.
- Avoiding side-effects and interactions.
- It’s extremely safe.
After treatment, patients often say that they have “less pain, burning and pins & needles”, “feel connected to the ground”, and even “feel safer driving”. When asked about side effects, the typical answer with a small hint of amazement is “none”.
Schedule your appointment for a detailed consultation and exam, determine the extent of your nerve damage and if you are a candidate for our neuropathy program.