First, I want to be very clear that when I discuss acupuncture for a cancer patient, I am not talking about treating cancer. Those looking to cure cancer with acupuncture are not accepted as patients at AbsoluteQi Acupuncture and Wellness Center in Somerset, NJ.
We treat cancer patients with acupuncture as an adjunct therapy before, during and after cancer treatment to help relieve many problems that may or may not be directly related to cancer and/or the Western cancer treatments (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation).
Acupuncture has proven to be an effective therapy for many of the symptoms experienced by cancer patients. Scientific studies and clinical experience show that acupuncture can relieve:
•Nausea / diarrhea
•Pain of various types
•Hot flashes
•Xerostomia (dry mouth)
•Boost Immune System
And other serious problems that these patients experience.