Did you know that there are different styles of acupuncture?

March 20, 2007

You could go to 10 different acupuncturists and receive 10 different treatments for the same problem.  That being said, I don’t believe one style is better than the other.  All styles work, but some may work better for certain conditions than others.

The most common styles are:

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Five Element
  • Japanese
  • Korean Hand
  • Auricular
  • Scalp
  • Medical
  • Veterinary
  • A less common style that I practice and find very effective for muscular problems such as low back and neck pain is Trigger Point Acupuncture.  Trigger Point Acupuncture is not very common because as far as I know, there is only one school that teaches it and I was fortunate enough to go the that school.  The school is Tri-state College of Acupuncture in NYC, so if you are in the NYC vicinity, such as me in Somerset, New Jersey, you will find a high concentration of acupuncturists that practice this style.

    Stay tuned for discussion on the various acupuncture styles…

    tiny needles...BIG RESULTS!
    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)