Garlic: great to eat, great for your health

October 12, 2008

With advances in the modern medical world, it’s easy to forget that ancient herbal medicines may contribute to your health. Garlic is a prime case in point. Back when the pyramids were being built, Egyptians used Garlic to treat the sick. The French used the herb 300 years ago, hoping to ward off deadly plagues.

Today, many researchers believe Garlic fights some illnesses and may help prevent others. Garlic anti-oxidants slow the breakdown of cells in the body as we grow older. That’s why many doctors suggest it to their heart disease patients. Although the research is not definitive, a growing number of doctors believe Garlic may help prevent some cancers by bolstering the immune system. Garlic supplements are given to cancer patients to help them recover from the side effects of chemotherapy.

Although the cure for common colds continues to elude scientists, it’s believed Garlic may play a role in fighting them. A study of 150 people showed those who were given Garlic regularly came down with fewer colds. The herb also seemed to shorten symptoms in those who did develop colds.

Whether consuming Garlic in its natural form or in supplements, it’s a very good idea to check first with a health care professional familiar with herbal remedies. Garlic can interact with other herbs or medicines, reducing their effectiveness. Side effects may include bad breath, body order and bloating. Garlic is also a blood thinner, so it should not be taken prior to surgeries. The ancient herb, however, appears to have a very important healthcare role to play in 21st century.

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