We are your Health Partner
The word Care has an important meaning at Absolute Qi. By Care we mean we truly want you to get past your problem. We are not necessarily here to treat your problem, we want to guide you to success. This often takes the form of our providing service to you. Frequently, we do refer patients outside our practice to other professionals who can better address their problems in order to optimize their chances of success. We can refer to western doctors like orthopedics, or disease specialists, we also refer to rolfers and holistic health coaches. We also will refer people to yoga classes or massage therapists. We truly partner with you to help you overcome your health situation.
We Listen, Understand and Explain
Our patients regularly comment that our initial consultation is more in depth than ANY health practitioner has ever gone. We go the extra mile because we want to understand all of the influences on your body over your lifetime so we can best serve you
Our offices are clean and attractive.
We hear that many acupuncture clinics are “four walls with paint”. In extreme cases we have heard of security “curtins” between patients. Our offices are warm, nicely decorated with calming music, hushed voices and an overall healing feel.
We treat from an Oriental and Western understanding of bodies and medicine.
The traditional diagnosis is a few thousand years old and at times, it is outdated with todays’ understanding of the body, muscles, nerves and their interactions. Traditional diagnosis is more of a diagnostic approach or art than a science of the body. We bring a modern understanding of medicine to our treatment and can explain it to you to your satisfaction. In many cases, we use Trigger Point Acupuncture which is soundly based in western science, and now Western practitioners are using dry-needle techniques which is essentially a modern form of acupuncture or Trigger Point Acupuncture without the Oriental medicine background and understanding of the body.