Testimonials submitted by my acupuncture patients. I treat each patient differently based on their medical and problem history. Everyone is busy, testimonials shine because the person is motivated to take the time to help someone who has helped them. Some people fear they cant write well, are happy but don't know what to say or how to say it or have never written a testimonial before. Reviews are the shorter versions of testimonials.
Keep in mind these are individual testimonials and not meant to represent a guarantee of your results.
For health privacy, I can not publish the names of the individuals unless they have given me permission due to health privacy concerns (HIPPA) .
This is why I love my work, I love to help people.
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If you are like me and have osteoarthritis pain in several parts of your body, then Rhonda Hogan is the person to see. I waited, tried pills, physical therapy (several times) and still sat back and thought about trying acupuncture for a long time since I have a healthy dislike for needles. Don't let this be your reason to wait! The needles are nothing and the rewards are HUGH! On my second visit I cried because for the first time in years I felt really good. BTW, I've had a few surgeries and both my knees are replacements so I do know something about significant pain. Just finished my third treatment and was able to take my dog out for a walk at the end of the day when I'm usually too sore and fatigued. Rhonda Hogan is a gentle, caring person who takes the time to get to know you and all your medical issues. Please, please don't be like me and wait! Call Rhonda Hogan.

Sheba McDonald
To AbsoluteQi acupuncturist, Rhonda Hogan:
I would like to express my appreciation for your kindness and professionalism. For fourteen years, I have been living in pain with rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, anemia and chronic fatigue and using harsh medications such as methotrexate, Arava and other steroids for treatment. For months, I was bent over unable to walk downstairs; I ambulated with a walker or cane. After three months of acupuncture, I am on less medication and can walk without the walker. Also, I am no longer bent over, stand taller and have less pain. Thanks to my faith in God, prayer and the acupuncture treatments. There was noticeable improvement right away with the sessions.
I hope those of you who are suffering in pain seek help. Please consider acupuncture as an alternative option to conventional medication. If you are looking for a highly professional, understanding and dedicated acupuncturist, I highly recommend Rhonda Hogan.

I'm amazed at the results. I went from yesterday morning barely being able to walk down the steps to being able to completely bare weight and feel like it's almost completely better after this one treatment.

My migraine headaches that I have had for years have improved. The frequency has decreased and so has the intensity.

One year ago I was considering surgery. After about 15 treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome I am free of the pain and numbness that I was experiencing. I am so happy I tried the alternative route. -NK

The muscles in my back and shoulders were so tight, the pain was affecting me every day. After just 1 treatment with trigger point release the tightness was significantly better. I feel great after 3 treatments and I am back at the gym lifting weights. -HP

I have been suffering from Meniere's Disease for years. I was experiencing an acute attack when I first met Rhonda. I was vomiting and so dizzy that I could not function and go to work. When I left the office from my first visit I could not believe the improvement. I was out of my acute attack. I continued with weekly treatments and the tinnitus and stuffiness in my ear has decreased. I am so excited to be able to hear from my left ear again! -GJ

I tried traditional acupuncture for my lower back pain with someone else and had minimal relief. After my first trigger point treatment with you, I immediately felt 60% better and reached 100% within 2 months. My family and I are grateful, thrilled, and amazed ! Thank you so much Rhonda.

My lower back was hurting for 10 years before I tried acupuncture. After just one treatment I felt better. It only took about 4 treatments for all of the pain to subside. Now, I am working on shoulder pain. -RB

I heard that acupuncture could improve my chances of getting pregnant while undergoing in vitro fertilization. I already had 4 failed attempts. I was willing to try anything. On my fifth attempt I became pregnant, I am so happy I decided to try acupuncture. It helped me relax and I believe it helped me get pregnant! -GC