Plantar Fasciitis Introduction
Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition that affects the bottom of your foot. The pain is concentrated in the “plantar fascia” area, which is a thick band of tissue that connects your heal to your toes. This syndrome is common in runners but also affects anyone. Often the first steps in the morning are the most painful.
The typical symptoms of plantar fasciitis are a painful, persistant stab in your foot, and can be triggered by long periods of standing or sitting. Some people report it as heel pain.
Western Medicine Treatments
Common treatments for Plantar Fasciitis are over the counter pain medications such as Tylonel and Advil, Corticosteroids (steroids), physical therapy, night splints, and orthotics or arch support. Re-occurring and persistent pain may require surgery or other treatments such as Extracorporeal shock wave therapy.
Treating Plantar Fasciitis with Acupuncture and holistically
Treating Plantar Fasciitis with Acupuncture has been shown to be highly successful. Calf stretching, and using a heating pad on the calf area is also recommended and can help ease symptoms. If your first steps in the morning a painful and slow you down, you may have plantar. Typically, the pain goes away quickly and is only a minor annoyance after that. Acupuncture treats your foot or heel pain with high success.
My Experience with Treating Plantar Fasciitis
Treating Plantar with Trigger point acupuncture is perhaps the condition that I have the highest success rate with. Almost everyone gets immediate relief, probably 90 percent have relief lasting weeks to months and maybe half are totally cured needing no maintenance treatments. Most people are amazed the the results, all with a few tiny needles and 1-2 days of muscle soreness.
Call me to set up a consultation for your treatment.
The trigger point for treatment is performed on the calf muscles of the same foot. Our recommended treatment is once a week for 3 to 5 sessions on average. In case of a very active athlete or someone on their feet throughout the day that can’t or won’t stop running or standing, treatment is sometimes longer.
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