Reducing the Risk of Asthma in Children

October 5, 2008

All parents would jump at the chance to make their kids as healthy as possible. Research shows there is something parents can do to reduce the chances their children will develop asthma.

Some doctors believe theres a relationship between regular doses of acetaminophen and asthma in young children. To be sure, the research does not indicate parents should stop giving them the pain killer and fever reducer altogether. Instead, acetaminophen should be given sparingly when children are running a high fever.

Asthma may also be prevented while babies are still in the womb. A pregnant womans diet could increase her babys chances of developing the disease. A diet high in folic acid, foods like garlic, beets and onions, appear to make it more likely a young child will become an asthmatic.

Research suggests the rise in childhood asthma may be the result of pregnant women eating folic acid foods to guard against birth defects. The challenge for expectant mothers may be to balance the potential good and bad effects of a diet rich in folic acid foods. Family medical history should help pregnant women determine the proper balance in their lives.

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